This article discusses how to pick the right earrings based on your face shape and features, as well as what kind of earrings can polish your look.
Tip 1. Wear stud earrings.
Tip 2. Choose earring designs with medium focal points (volume or visual focus in the middle part), which helps draw attention to the area between the chin and ears, creating a horizontal expansion effect.
Short Faces: A short face features short cheeks and a shorter distance between the earlobe and chin. For people with short faces, two tricks can help: Trick 1: Shift the Visual Focus Up: Wear earrings on the helix of the ear (like ear cuffs, climbers, or crawlers). These accessories shift the visual focus higher on the face, balancing the proportions.
Trick 2: Pick Earrings Longer Than the Chin: Elongated earrings can help lengthen the face, but never choose earrings shorter than the chin, as this can backfire.
Avoid high focal points as they draw attention to the jawline, making it appear more prominent. Medium focal points or balanced proportions help create a more harmonious look.
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