This article discusses how to pick the right earrings based on your face shape and features, as well as what kind of earrings can polish your look.

Part 1: Types of Earring Styles

The shape, structure, and closure of your earrings determine how they sit on your lobes. Over time, jewelers have developed creative ways to position earrings, leading to numerous style options. Generally, we divide the common earring designs into three main types: stud earrings, helix earrings, and elongated earrings.
Stud earrings are the simplest kind. They tend to be small and lay flat on the earlobe without dropping downward, looping backward, or climbing upward.
A helix earring is any earring worn on the upper cartilage of the ear, such as ear cuffs, studs, barbells, and other types like drawing earrings, climbers, and crawlers.
Elongated earrings, as the name suggests, hang below the ear. Examples include drops, dangles, hoops, chandeliers, and ear threaders. In comparison, stud earrings give a refined and dainty impression, whereas elongated earrings exude grace and elegance. If you are less confident with your own facial features, elongated earrings can be of great help in complementing and elevating your look.

Part 2: Earring Design Elements and Characteristics

Based on the earrings available in the market, we can summarize several key classifications for earrings based on their design elements and characteristics.

Shapes and Lines

The most primary elements in the design of earrings are shapes and lines. These elements are often inseparable. Take these earrings, for example: despite their different shapes, they share a common design element—straight lines and sharp edges—which adds an edgy feel and boldness to your look. In contrast, designs with rounded shapes, circular lines, and curves give a soft and gentle appearance.
straight line and sharp edges earrings
round and curve earrings
There is also another type of earring design that doesn’t have a defined shape at all. This structure consists solely of simple forms of straight lines or curves. For this particular design, there is a special feature, which will be discussed further in the later part of the article.
line earrings

Focal Point (Visual Focus)

The focal point, or visual focus, refers to the area of emphasis in an earring that demands the most attention and to which the viewer's eye is naturally drawn. The position of the focal point in earrings varies according to their designs. Several factors affecting the focal point include color, shape, and size. The earrings shown here are good examples that explain the concept of high, medium, and low focal points
focal point of earrings

Visual Presence

Visual presence refers to the subjective sensation of "being there". Elements that influence the visual presence in earring designs include color, size, and thickness. Earrings that are larger in size, thicker, or in bright colors have stronger visual presence compared to those that are thinner, smaller, or have less vibrant colors. Here are examples of earrings of different visual presence.
Remember the earring design we mentioned earlier, which is composed of simple lines and curves without defined shapes? The key feature of this design is that it has the weakest visual presence.

Part 3: Earrings Designs and Facial Features

After understanding the characteristics of different earring designs, you can use this knowledge to select earrings that best suit your face. Elongated earrings are particularly useful for polishing the lower part of your face. Here are several facial characteristics to consider when finding the right earrings for your face.

Shape of Facial Structure

The main consideration here is the shape or line of the earring design. Generally, there are two types: rounded and angular.
Round or Oval Face Shape: These face shapes lack sharp lines or angles on the chin and cheeks. It's best to avoid hoops or rounded earrings, as they draw the eye horizontally across your face. Earrings with straight lines and angular shapes, like squares and sharp edges, work better with round face structures.
earrings for broad face

Facial Length

This aspect predominantly considers two criteria of the earring design: length and focal point.
Long Narrow Faces: For people with long, narrow faces, the most defining characteristic is its length, with less emphasis on the width of the forehead or cheeks. It's best to avoid earrings that are longer than half the distance between the ear and chin, as they may further emphasize facial length. Earrings with straight lines should also be avoided

straight line earrings and long narrow face

Tip 1. Wear stud earrings.

Stud for long and narrow face

Tip 2. Choose earring designs with medium focal points (volume or visual focus in the middle part), which helps draw attention to the area between the chin and ears, creating a horizontal expansion effect.

earrings for long and narrow face

Short Faces: A short face features short cheeks and a shorter distance between the earlobe and chin. For people with short faces, two tricks can help: Trick 1: Shift the Visual Focus Up: Wear earrings on the helix of the ear (like ear cuffs, climbers, or crawlers). These accessories shift the visual focus higher on the face, balancing the proportions.

earrings for short face

Trick 2: Pick Earrings Longer Than the Chin: Elongated earrings can help lengthen the face, but never choose earrings shorter than the chin, as this can backfire.

earrings for short face

Jawline Features

Elongated earrings are very useful for complementing faces with a strong, wide jawline. When selecting earrings for such faces, consider the shape, length, visual presence, and focal point.
Broad Faces or Wide Jawlines: For broad faces, avoid earrings with low visual presence, as they can emphasize the size of the face.
Tip 1: Wear large, rounded earrings or earrings with curved, flowing styles to disguise the jawline.
earrings for broad face or wide jawlines
Tip 2: Choose earrings with a medium focal point and balanced proportions, such as round or oval-shaped designs, which help create visual space for the jawline. 
earrings for jawlines

Avoid high focal points as they draw attention to the jawline, making it appear more prominent. Medium focal points or balanced proportions help create a more harmonious look.

Visual Weight of Your Face

Here we don't mean the actual weight of your face on the weighing scale but it refers to the structural appearance of your face—whether the bones seem heavy or delicate. To enhance the balance of your face, we need to consider the visual presence of your earrings.
Heavier or Angular Bone Structures: People with short, wide faces, large faces, or prominent facial features go well with earrings with strong visual presence, such as bright colors, medium to large sizes, or chunky styles.
earrings for heavy face